November 26th, 2021 by Simon Elliott

Would you like to run an idol café? - PS5 Platinum Review

Naoya puts his education on hold to take a job at a quaint seaside café where he meets two cute waitresses in this quick and easy to Platinum visual novel.

Would you like to run an idol café? continues along the lines of some of the other games released by publisher Gamuzumi in the sense it follows a number of girls in revealing clothing. After failing to get into his preferred university, the main character Naoya moves in with his childhood friend Ichigo who lives by the beach, where he takes a job at a local café to help pay the bills. While in his new job he meets two cute waitresses; Shinonome Mayuki and Yamashiro Kuina - known as Kuu and begins a friendship which brings with it a bunch of other problems. 

There are 3 different endings which are decided by your decision at specific dialogue choices throughout the story so you'll need 3 different playthroughs or at least one tactical save to see them all and to grab the Platinum.

As with most other visual novels, the game features a variety of settings you can change to increase the speed of the text or to allow you to skip to important choices by pressing R1 while you're reading through it. The correct dialogue choices for each ending are listed in the hints and tips section below.


  • Release Date: 19th November, 2021
  • Publisher: Gamuzumi
  • Developer: StarlightTree Games
  • Date Started: 23rd November, 2021
  • Date Completed: 23rd November, 2021
  • Version Played: Digital
  • Price: £7.99 (PS4 & PS5 Version Bundle)
  • Note: Gamuzumi were kind enough to provide a copy of the game for me to review.

The Good

  • The PS4 and PS5 version are bundled together meaning two Platinum trophies are available.
  • If you want to fast forward through the story, the Platinum can be yours in around 2 minutes!
  • The background artwork is beautifully designed and highly detailed as always.
  • With a tactical save, you can unlock the Platinum in more or less a single playthrough.

The Bad

  • The story is short and it's only the first part so if you get invested in the characters, you can expect to require a few more purchases to find out what happens next.

Hardest Trophy

  • The Lovers - Did she see it coming?

If you follow the walkthrough below, all of the trophies will pop across the three ending, with this popping after the third ending is complete.

Helpful Tips / Bugs / Glitches / Exploits

No exploits are required. If you're looking for a fast Platinum, head into the settings before you start and copy the image below, then press R1 to skip the story. You can unlock all trophies in more or less a single playthrough providing you make a tactical save before the end point.


Platinum Trophy Walkthrough

Follow the options outlined below as you play through and you'll grab the Platinum after you've seen all 3 endings. The [number] at the start of each dialogue choice is the number of the choice required, with 1 being the top option.

Full Walkthrough

  • Start Game
    • TROPHY: Meeting the Maids
  • [1] "Mayuki".
    • TROPHY: Goddess of Cooking
  • [2] "I wouldn't mind marrying her, either".
    • TROPHY: Mayuki takes a Tumble
  • [1] "Try to be understanding".
  • [2] "It feels nice".
  • [2] "I think Ichigo's exaggerating".
    • TROPHY: Sandcastle
  • [2] "Well, I do like her a lot..."
    • TROPHY: A Relaxing Moment
  • [2] "It's actually kind of nice".
    • TROPHY: Here Kitty Kitty
  • [2] "Reassure Mayuki".
  • [1] "That's not a bad idea..."
  • [1] "What if I am?"
  • [2] "I think Kuu and Mayuki look cute together".
    • TROPHY: Lap Pillow
  • [1] "Poke fun at Ichigo".
  • [2] "That I'd like to see Mayuki in a swimsuit".
    • TROPHY: Fortune Telling
  • SAVE GAME #1
  • [1] "Ichigo".
    • ENDING
      • TROPHY: Don't give up
      • TROPHY: More than Friends
  • [2] "Mayuki".
    • ENDING
      • TROPHY: Mayuki's Confession
  • LOAD SAVE #1
  • [3] "Kuu".
    • ENDING
      • TROPHY: The Lovers

Platinum Difficulty Rating - 1/10


It's very simple. Just read (or skip) through the story and make your dialogue choices for each of the 3 endings. Follow the walkthrough above and you'll have the Platinum in around 2 minutes.

Platinum Time - 2 Minutes

Skipping the story and quickly choosing the dialogue options I mentioned in the helpful tips section above will allow you to complete the story in about 90 seconds, so after loading the tactical save for the other 2 endings, you can easily pop the Platinum in under 2 minutes. Playing through and reading the story properly will obviously depend on your reading speed but it's estimated to take around an hour.

Platinum Enjoyment Rating - 10/10

Another incredibly easy Platinum trophy (or two of them if you include the PS4 and PS5 version). There aren't too many dialogue choices and even with the three separate endings you can skip through pretty quickly and effortlessly with the guide above.

Overall Game Rating - 7/10

I wasn't particularly engaged by the story itself and mostly played through for the trophies, however there are some nice backgrounds and different scenes involving the characters which certainly makes it more interesting than just reading the story dialogue on its own. Based on some other players' feedback, this isn't one of the best visual novels which has been released on PlayStation, but if you're here for the trophies then it's exactly what you came for. Enjoy some shots from the gallery below!

Platinum #745

Here are my most recent Platinum Trophies up to and including this game.

# Game Date
745 Would you like to run an idol café?
23rd November 2021
744 Would you like to run an idol café?
23rd November 2021
743 The Pig D
23rd November 2021
742 The Pig D
23rd November 2021
741 Quick Mafs
23rd November 2021
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