December 20th, 2020 by Simon Elliott

Concept Destruction - PS5 Platinum Review

Concept Destruction is a demolition derby style driving game featuring cardboard battery operated cars in a cardboard world.

A very quick and easy Platinum, Concept Destruction is a fun and unique game. It features a variety of different levels and a few game modes including driving school and the championship. It can be played on any difficulty and there are plenty of settings to customise to your liking so you should have no problems getting to grips with the gameplay.


  • Release Date: 23rd November, 2020
  • Publisher: Ratalaika Games SL
  • Date Started: 4th December, 2020
  • Date Completed: 4th December, 2020
  • Version Played: Digital
  • Price: £3.99 (Cross-buy with PS4 version)

The Good

  • The game is surprisingly fun with a lot of destruction.
  • A nice variety of different levels and cars.
  • Some interesting trophy objectives.
  • It's very quick and easy to finish.

The Bad

  • There's not much bad to say about the game. Perhaps the car physics could be slightly better and occasionally you'll crash head on into a car and appear to cause no damage but those are minor issues.

Hardest Trophy

  • The Bully - Destroy car "TIFA X/2" using car "ZIP JX"
While this isn't exactly difficult, you will have to earn 2000 coins in championship mode in order to unlock the car, and then ensure you're the one to destroy the smaller car in a race so it can take a few attempts but it's really not too challenging.

Helpful Tips / Bugs / Glitches / Exploits 

  • For the trophy requiring you to survive over 3 minutes in survival mode, you can get onto the stands of the stadium track and just wait it out. This isn't really necessary though as it's easy enough already.

Platinum Difficulty Rating - 1/10

It doesn't require much effort at all, especially if you tweak the settings to your advantage.

Platinum Time - 30 Mins

If you know what your trophy requirements are, it's easily possible to Platinum the game in under 30 minutes. I did it on PS4 in 44 minutes then again on PS5 in 19 minutes.

Platinum Enjoyment Rating - 10/10

I really enjoyed the game. It's short, but quite fun and an interesting concept. Two Platinums in under an hour is always good too.

Overall Game Rating - 10/10

Can't complain about any part of the game. The levels are nice and the gameplay is fun. You probably won't play it for long after you unlock all of the trophies, but to kill an hour or so, it's a cool game to play.

Platinum #450

Here are my most recent Platinum Trophies up to and including this game.

Platinum # Game Platform Date
450 Concept Destruction PS5 4th December 2020
449 Concept Destruction PS4 4th December 2020
448 My Name is Mayo 2 PS4 4th December 2020
447 Snake Boat: Otterrific Arcade PS4 4th December 2020
446 Chickens On The Road PS4 4th December 2020
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